We saw a considerable increase in trash picked up in South Mission Beach primarily because we have our Cathy back.
This is the time of year when the trash numbers start to increase. The weather is improving, and spring break has started for some schools, so more people are coming down to the beach.
Below is a breakdown of some items picked up in one month, on one mile of Mission Beach, by one person.
The debris count is 12,141, plus 132 pounds of trash from our Beach Clean-up and another 33 pounds of trash from Surf Vultures' beach clean-up.
Total of 22 days: 1 mile of beach in South Mission Beach.
Of the 4099 bottles collected, 565 were glass bottles, with alcohol being the top glass container.
75 % of all the bottles collected are liquor bottles.
1 Cell Phone
1 Charger
1 Flashlight
11 Reusable Bottles
24 Bottles of beer unopened
Law Enforcement:
8 Illegal fires
2 jetty jumps
3 Trips to the Laundromat
