Thank you to Schwab Charities and the Reed Bartlett Wear and Linda Ann Wear Charitable Fund for your generous donation. These funds have been used to:
Print Posters for the September Beach Clean Up
Purchase pickers, trash bags and hand sanitizer for beach cleans.
A portion of funds used to pay for our Insurance coverage.
It is through generous gifts like these we are able to continue to keep Mission Beach beautiful. We are an all volunteer organization and we exist based on the generous support of sponsors like these as well as the volunteer residents who pick up trash as part of our conservation efforts.
If you would like to make a donation, you can do so on our GoFundMe account, via Venmo or by check. For more information, send us an email at info@feliceagency.com.
#dtmb #donttrashmissionbeach #schwabcharities #reedbartlettwear #lindaannwear #sponsorship #missionbeach #missionbeachsandiego #missionbeachsd #missionbeachtowncouncil #sandiego #cityofsandiego