On September 12th we held our first beach clean up and art installation at Belmont Park. We had more than 60 people come out and volunteer and support us and we are so grateful. The volunteers picked up 523 pounds of trash from 7am to 11:30am.
At 2am we began setting up the installation along the boardwalk at Belmont Park with tables stacked with thousands of items picked up from the beach in just 30 days. We brought awareness in the form of shock for many who stopped by and asked questions. We met new folks and those who want to collaborate with us in the future. By 4pm we had exposed our messaging to several hundred tourists, visitors and residents --- all of them were shocked to find out that our installation represented the collection by Cathy over the last month and that if we had simply bagged the trash that all of us pick up it would have easily stretched for a quarter of a mile. Thank you to KPBS, SDNews.com, OB Rag, Beach & Bay Press, and the SDSU School of Journalism for covering the story.
Special thanks to our volunteer organizer
Dawn Reilly from Friends of Beautiful Mission Beach
Special thanks to our sponsors:
Thanks to our individual donors:
Gary Wonacott
Jane Williams
Janice (Aspin Ct.)
Our special helpers:
Seth and Jose from SD Parks & Rec
All Good San Diego Moving
Andy Chotiner
Grace King
Greg Knight
Will Schussel
Jane Williams
Angela Sharrett
Jeannie Mershon
Klaus & Shirley Mendenhall
Ellie and DeShane
Our table hosts: Mission Beach Town Council
Pacific Beach Town Council
Scoot Scoop
The Mighty Bin
A special thank you to Council member Jen Campbell and staff and her partner Suzanne Hawkins for coming out to support us.
Our Volunteers (if we've missed someone, please reach out and send their contact info) many of you brought folks with you!
Erica Altman Jessica Ashley-Hardy Madeline Blain
Tagi Braley & Sully Sullivan Elizabeth Chorlian Andy Chotiner
Carrie Engleman & Family Mel Exarhos Tony Felice Tatum Garrison Mahir Hadzic Melissa Hines & Ryan Buresh
Christine Honeycutt Greg Knight Barry Keller Vicki Kocar Sally Lafeve Kendra Madsen Sarah Mattinson Jeannie Mershon Trine & Dennis Nelson Joseph, Andrea & Otto Olson Sean Peavy Alex Redlinger Dawn Reilly Nicolas Riquelme
Bob Ruane Danika Schmitz Will Schussel Liz Segre Angela Sharrett Ray Steinberger Loretta Turner Johanna Unger Tina Vertburgt Ron Walker Nancy Walker Jane Whiteman Amy Wickliff John Williams Jane Williams David Williams Judy & Nick Yoakum The Ives Family